Why does chelsea handler call herself tracy

I want to talk about human interests, I want to talk about politics, I want to talk about sports. I want answers to questions that I want to ask. Handler is scheduled to create four documentary specials in , and then, a full-time talk show in It's a big leap. When asked if she was scared about stepping off that precipice, she replied, "I'm never really scared. I don't really have a lot of fear-based issues. Chelsea says her fearlessness developed when she was growing up in New Jersey, where she was a pretty independent kid.

I was the sixth kid and they were, like, done with setting up playdates. It made me feel like a total outcast, because my parents just refused to participate in my childhood.

Even if it's not for everyone, I have a point of view that's different, and I was going to prove it to everyone. I just think I wanted to be famous. She waited tables and started doing standup. TV shows like "Girls Behaving Badly" soon followed, and then she broke through with a book about her one-night stands. Fans were smitten. When we met her on tour in Detroit, she spent most of her time off-stage signing books -- more than in the space of a few hours.

I like them to see me face-to-face, putting in the effort, putting in the time, not coasting on my laurels. And being on stage in front of that many people who have paid money to see you is a responsibility. And what they're paying for is a year-old single woman who makes fun of everyone, especially herself -- a woman who wrote a book called "Are You There, Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea. Or if I have a cup and it's clearly water, like, I always put it in a red plastic cup or a glass, because people want to think it's vodka when it's not necessarily vodka.

Not as much as people think I drink at all. Yes, I drink. I don't drink every day. I'm not hammered every night.

So when you joke about being a functioning alcoholic, you're not really? I wouldn't call myself an alcohol -- I mean, I could be a functioning alcoholic. I'm sure a lot of people would say that about me. I may be. I don't think I'm an alcoholic. But I mean, most alcoholics don't think that, do they? I give everyone -- yeah! I don't care about money. Jamie Black Rufus as Rufus. Tom Choi Squiggle as Squiggle. Tiffany Claus Angie as Angie. Sebastien Cuk Self as Self. More like this.

Watch options. Storyline Edit. Add content advisory. Did you know Edit. Connections Followed by Chelsea Lately User reviews 6 Review. Top review. A female Howard Stern? The sexy and voluptuous blond mocks and criticizes current pop culture.

I must say the first attraction to the show was due to the sexy attractive host. Chelsea is very sexy and her smart and sassy wit with the way she talks pop culture topics make her seem even more attractive. Many feel she's harsh and rude like a female version of Howard Stern, yet her direct and mock style approach of the commercial and money driven tabloid star world is just due.

It's time that someone tells the honest truth about the crazy and stupid ways of many celebrities and Chelsea cuts to the bone with her skits, conversations, and parodies. Chelsea's show also features guests of up and coming comedians and she even interviews known stars. Plus a neat treat is her joys of laughter with little sidekick chewy. Her honest and raw mock humor really shows she's intelligent, while her sexy and attractive looks and style shine thru making her humorous.

So for a few late night laughs that poke fun at the sad current state of pop culture in a brutally and honest way I suggest you turn to the sexy and witty Chelsea Handler on E! Details Edit.


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