We change our clocks during the summer months to move an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening. Countries have different change dates. Glide your cursor over the map to see how changing the clocks affects different latitudes. If you live near the equator, day and night are nearly the same length 12 hours. But elsewhere on Earth, there is much more daylight in the summer than in the winter.
The closer you live to the North or South Pole, the longer the period of daylight in the summer. Thus, Daylight Saving Time Summer Time is usually not helpful in the tropics, and countries near the equator generally do not change their clocks. A poll conducted by the U. Indeed, some say that the primary reason that Daylight Saving Time is a part of many societies is simply because people like to enjoy long summer evenings, and that reasons such as energy conservation are merely rationalizations.
According to some sources, DST saves energy. Studies done by the U. Department of Transportation in showed that Daylight Saving Time trims the entire country's electricity usage by a small but significant amount, about one percent each day, because less electricity is used for lighting and appliances. Similarly, in New Zealand, power companies have found that power usage decreases 3. In the first week, peak evening consumption commonly drops around five percent. The rationale behind the study of DST-related energy savings was that energy use and the demand for electricity for lighting homes is directly related to the times when people go to bed at night and rise in the morning.
In the average home, 25 percent of electricity was used for lighting and small appliances, such as TVs and stereos. Message 3 of Message 4 of Message 5 of More power!!! Message 6 of You can add a new trigger and follow the same instruction to set this trigger. Message 7 of There is no triggers in the box to click on. Message 8 of Thanks for your help. Message 9 of I will try it tonight. This problem has been bothering me for a few days. Message 10 of This clock issue is driving me bonkers!
Iran utilises DST, with no discontinuation for Ramadan. Most of east Asia and Africa does not use daylight saving time. This year the European parliament voted to scrap daylight saving time by If ratified, it could throw up yet another Brexit-related headache. If the UK leaves the EU before and the bloc goes ahead with its plan to scrap DST, a situation could arise in which for half the year Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland would be in different time zones.
On the upside, it might allow for grabbing a quick sandwich to eat in, say, Derry before popping across the border to Donegal and having lunch again. In our modern age of digital watches, smartphones, rail timetables and synchronised calendars, it may seem that time is fixed and orderly.
This is not the case. Before the technology developed to reliably tell the time, people structured their time much more loosely. Ancient civilisations divided the daylight into 12 hours no matter how long or short daytime was. This meant daylight hours became longer during the spring and summer and shorter in the autumn and the winter.
We know this to be the case in ancient Rome as the Romans kept time using water clocks with different scales for different months. Even as mechanical clocks and timepieces began to be invented, time still varied widely from place to place. In Italy, for example, clocks in Venice always ran a half hour ahead of clocks in Turin.
The clock in your Windows computer can be configured to sync with an Internet time server, which can be useful as it ensures your clock stays accurate. In cases where your date or time keeps changing from what you've previously set it to, it is likely that your computer is syncing with a time server.
For example, if you like having the clock on your business computer set a bit ahead, the time changing without your knowledge could make you late for a meeting. To prevent it from changing, disable time syncing.