We are a diner that has been around since and has since evolved. Downtown food, at an East Van price. OMG where have you been all my life? I am ashamed to say that a foodie like myself just discovered this place today. Shila B. Good Morning Sunshine! ArgoCafe is Open for Breakf. Adela put those truths down in 10 categories! Read on before you pick up the keys of your new location! The very first thing you should take into account! Even if the place you have chosen to be your future cafe is in a perfect condition, you cannot just open it for business immediately.
There is a reason the person selling their business to you is leaving that space. The neighborhood might be going through radical changes, customers may dislike some parts of their service; bad management and other issues could impose challenges for new business being started there. Even if the previous owner claims opposite. You will need to find this bug, deal with it, differentiate from the previous owner, or at least make changes that will be registered.
It is realistic to open a cafe within three months a very optimistic option to eight months a pessimistic option from the moment you rented the space. For this period of time it is reasonable to have a discount for rent negotiated, or simply have enough money to start with.
Here are few examples of things you might need and their estimated delivery times: a new espresso machine 3 — 5 weeks , a customised bar and furniture 8 weeks , branded cups 4 weeks , a by-law approval of the construction from the Department of Hygiene 4 weeks , outdoor seating authorisation up to 12 weeks. Further regulations will depend on your location and country legislations. To make customers search for you, you need to create a unique concept.
Have a business plan ready, go the extra mile to make your customers experience something new and unexpected. They will come back for it. First of all, define your target customer and create a concept that meets his needs. This will help you concentrate in the future. Let me be a bit sarcastic here: homemade desserts and lemonades are not enough of a concept. They are delicious, but it is kind of a standard service nowadays. Here are a few thoughts on what you could do to establish a unique concept business.
Take into consideration the development of your market! Offer a sort of technological innovation, feature a brand new product, a unique design. Specialise in a service that is nowhere to be found in your area, such as french pastries bakery. Perhaps you are opening the first cafe in the city serving filtered coffee.
Become known as the best fruit sorbet shop serving specialty coffee in town! Surely, there are more ideas in your head! We dare to exaggerate a little bit with this rule. Yet, we mean it in the best way. Some city areas might be exhausted with competition already.
There are others that might be of a better value to you, financially, and they might be the future hip spots in the city if you bring new breeze in the area. The potential of the originally chosen area can be explored easily.
A simple search through reality estate medias can help you find out the number of cafes that left the area. If there have been many, it probably is not going to be an easy location to run a cafe from. There is nothing more important than to know the funds you need to have in order to sustain with your business.
So remind yourself of the basics of working with Microsoft Excel, and try to predict turnovers, revenues, costs of materials and costing of employees. Once you open, confront your business plans with reality. In case your bills do not match your expectations of paying and earning, do something about it.
If you fear it is impossible, you might rather close the cafe down. You will not be able to overcome this issue yourself. There can be many reasons for a setback: a poorly chosen location, lifestyle change of locals, not finding a customer base for your concept.
Second, upgrading that means buying a new computer. These things have compatibility issues. How much will it cost to upgrade from this to that? The cost in the long run is going to hurt you. Do not always rely on what the salesperson is telling you.
One of the things that makes gamers angry is lag. So try to reduce that by getting sufficient internet connection. Consider all your options. It would be helpful to actually head over to a customer service center and discuss things with a sales representative. Make sure to ask questions about bandwidth consumption and the dreaded internet capping. And also search the internet for reviews and experiences from other net cafe owners. Who told you that getting a residential type broadband internet connection running on a max of 1 to 2 Mbps was a good idea?
The internet connection salesperson? I thought so. This is yet another mistake some people commit — hiring annoying internet cafe staff. This is not okay. Your staff —especially the one manning the server at the counter —should not be playing games while working.
You have to watch out on which games look promising and be ready for it. Be attentive to what people are looking for when they enter your shop. And make sure your clients know what games you are anticipating or if you have installed new games.
A regularly updated Facebook page usually helps. Or simply have a poster outside for people to see.