For this reason, astronomy and physics majors are prepared for many careers, both inside and outside the physical sciences. Astronomy students often go on to graduate school or find a job related to astronomy, but astronomy majors are qualified for a wide range of positions related to engineering, mathematics, computer science, and environmental science.
Many students also go on to study law or medicine or enter the world of business or education. Astronomy is a close-knit field where you will get the opportunity to work with many people. Professional astronomers are motivated by curiosity and a deep desire to understand some of the grandest and most beautiful phenomena in the universe, as well as a desire to share these wonders with others.
To learn more about careers in astronomy and how to prepare yourself for one, visit the website of the American Astronomical Society. Charlottesville has the cosmopolitan feel of a big city combined with the cozy atmosphere of a college town. Discover the historic Downtown Mall, with its wide variety of shops, bookstores, and ethnic food, complete with outdoor dining.
Enjoy concerts, movies, and entertainers at the historic movie theatre, outdoor amphitheatre, and local music venues. Hang out at the Corner! Immediately adjacent to Grounds, this student hangout includes restaurants and bookstores. This cobblestone stretch has been a meeting place between the University and the town for over a century. Home to UVa's student body and a large population of young professionals, Charlottesville boasts a wide variety of affordable housing options, from economy flats to townhouses and condominiums.
University and city buses provide free transportation all around Grounds, the city, and the shopping centers north of Charlottesville. Go play outside! Wi-fi was invented by an astronomer trying to sharpen images from his telescope.
Here are four surprising ways astronomers have reshaped our modern world. For more than two decades, an astronomical observatory shaped like a 1,foot Y has sprawled across Anderson Mesa in northern Arizona. This instrument, owned by the military and run by astronomers at both the U. Naval Observatory and Lowell Observatory, is the biggest telescope of its kind. The Navy Precision Optical Interferometer uses an array of telescopes to catalog the exact locations of stars and track their minute movements with incredible accuracy.
GPS satellites and other spacecraft depend on these star charts to plot their course through the cosmos. Equipment used by NASA, the Department of Defense and all manner of other modern tech would be lost, as would your cellphone — and, quite likely, you. In many places across the world, astronomy keeps the lights on. In the s, German-American astronomer Hans Bethe showed that nuclear reactions are what power our sun and all other stars. His work described how the sun uses nuclear fusion to turn hydrogen into helium, releasing huge amounts of energy.
With war on the horizon across Europe, the applications beyond astronomy quickly became obvious. New detector technology means better lighter cameras. Astronomical data analysis software can be reconfigured to make cars safer.
Novel techniques in radio astronomy paved the way for wireless internet. Support Our Science. Utility Menu News Events. How can astronomy improve life on earth? Share this Page. Facebook Share on Facebook. Twitter Share on Twitter. Share on LinkedIn.
Share via Email. Protecting the Planet In , the Sun launched an enormous magnetized mass of plasma at the Earth, shorting electrical lines, starting electrical fires and knocking out telegraph communication. Research Topics. See All Staff. Our Work The need for extremely precise instrumentation in astronomy can often be transferred into the medical field.
Related News. With techniques developed in quantum mechanics, molecular spectra can be modeled by a set of discrete fundamental parameters. The knowledge of these reference molecular spectroscopic parameters is essential to correctly characterize constituents of their environments, model their spectra and atmospheric conditions.
Telescopes and Instruments. However, the magnetic fields in the solar corona are very hard to observe, despite their importance in creating space weather. AIR-Spec was inaugurated during the total solar eclipse visible across the United States; an improved version will fly during the eclipse visible from South America and the southern Pacific Ocean.
Visit the Hi-C Website. Hinode The Sun is the closest star to Earth, and the single most important influence on the worlds of the Solar System in terms of the light and particles it emits. Studying the Sun, in other words, helps us understand the habitability of Earth, but also other stars elsewhere in the universe. Understanding the heating process may help predict solar storms as well. MicroObservatory Telescope Network The MicroObservatory Robotic Telescope Network is a collection of five computer-controlled telescopes, built specifically for use by public audiences of all ages.
Parker Solar Probe What is driving the solar wind?